LAWA (LAX) Airport Main Hub Set Up

Streamlining LAX Expansion: Efficient Set Up of LAWA's Main Operations Hub by CSLM

  • Challenge

    Whilst preparing for the major LAX construction of Terminal 9 and the addition of the APM, Automated People Mover Train System, LAWA required a multitude of offices for their various departments including administration, architects and engineers, project managers, etc. LAWA required a modular solution in order to enable successful construction and execution of the project and needed a solution that would enable their team to be on the ground, close to the project.

  • Solution

    CSLM setup and arranged the 36 floor office complex which is still in use as of the beginning of 2024 with LAWA expected to complete the project by summertime. CSLM setup the entire complex in early 2019, doing so with the utmost attention to detail and completing the installation process more than a week ahead of schedule.

  • Result

    The office complex setup by CSLM was used as the main hub for operations for the LAX expansion project and fully enabled the LAWA team to execute all needed operation and manage the construction through the phases. Terminal 9 and the large APM train system are expected to be open to the public later this year in 2024, with a large enabling of the offices used by LAWA which were setup by CSLM.